Useful information about the ICS3U/C couse


0. HTML and CSS Unit 0 Outcomes
1. Java basics
  • syntax, variables, data types
Unit 1 Outcomes
2. Java structures
  • if-else
  • while loops
  • for loops
  • random numbers
Unit 2 Outcomes
3. Methods and more advanced structures
  • Methods
  • Arrays
  • Strings -- probably left for grade 12
... not done yet ...
4. HSA graphics
  • basic drawing
  • animation
  • grids
... not done yet ...
5. Final Project

Written Quizzes

We'll write quizzes every other week (approximately).
These quizzes will often be difficult. However, there are 5 versions of each quiz with small variations on the questions.
You can rewrite each quiz up to 5 times, and I'll take the best mark!

Quiz numbers and topics

This is listed here so that we can all be on the same page with quiz numbers
The versions are called A,B,C,D,E. e.g. Quiz #4C

Programming quizzes (this needs updating)
  1. HTML - make a table
  2. using scanner and print
  3. graphics drawing
  4. for loop

Types of programs


These are the colour codes on the calendar as well as at the top of the Google docs spreadsheet

     These are programs that need to be handed in, but are not marked or are just marked for completion (e.g. 5/5 for doing the work).
     These are bigger programs/assignments that must be handed in to be marked and are marked more carefully.
     These are the same as "red" programs, but they only need to be done by ICS3U students.
     These are more challenging programs. They only need to be done by ICS3U students and if you want more than 90% in the course.
     Fun extra things to investigate

Requirements for programs

From unit 2 onwards, your programs must meet these criteria to get full marks.