
Casting is the term used when you change one primitive data type into another one.
You do not need to cast when you're going from a smaller data container to a larger one. For example, a long is a longer integer than an int is, so there is no problem putting an int into a long. However, if you want a long to become an int, you have to tell the compiler that you actually know what you're doing (and that you haven't just made a sloppy mistake).

Read this link: "Type Casting in Java"


Results of Casting

int i = 5;
int j = 2;
double result;

result = i / j; 			//integer division; 	result=2 EVEN THOUGH IT IS A DOUBLE
result = (double) i / (double) j	//real division; 	result=2.5 (only one of i or j needs to be cast)

Java will implicity cast operants in a mixed expression to match the precision of the variable storing the result.

Sample Code snippet:

double d = 8.8e15;
int x = (int)d;


starting typestarting valuefinal typefinal value
(after casting)
double 5.777int5It just takes the integer portion. No rounding.
double8.8e15int2147483647The original number is bigger than the biggest int, so it's turned into the biggest int possible.

Casting Objects (more later)

You can also cast objects to their daughter class (if they are the correct type)

abstract class Animal{
 public abstract void move();
class Shark extends Animal{
 public void move(){
 public void swim(){}
 public void bite(){}
class Dog extends Animal{
 public void move(){
 public void run(){}
 public void bark(){}


void somethingSpecific(Animal animal){
 // Here you don't know and may don't care which animal enters
 animal.move(); // You can call parent methods but you can't call bark or bite.
 if(animal instanceof Shark){
  Shark shark = (Shark)animal;
  shark.bite(); // Now you can call bite!
 //doSomethingSharky(animal); // You cannot call this method.
This doesn't change the original object.