Java Research projects: ======================= >> research the topic and learn it >> teach class the most important things to know about your topic (handout ...) >> give a complete working example with explanations >> have a question or assignment that the class should do (not identical to the example) #1,2,3 are needed early on in the course. TOPIC (# of people working on it) 1. arrayList & for-each loop (1) 2. hashmap (1) 3. UML (1 or 2) 4. nio (1) 5. Javadoc (1) 6. adding sound (1) 7. lambda functions (Java 8) (1) 8. Java web start (1) 9. design patterns: singleton, factory, two other of the most common ... (1?) 10. images / ImageIcon (2) 11. animation & sprites (2) nn. side scroller game ?