Data types:

There are 8 primitive data types and many other variable types created in classes.

Data Type Name Size Data Type
4 byte integer type
short 2 bytes integer type Do not use
long 8 bytes integer type
byte 1 byte integer type (-127 to +128)
char 2 bytes (because of Unicode) one character: 'a' or '\n'.
Not "a" 'ab' or "ab"
float 4 bytes (7 decimal places) floating point / real number
Probably no need to use this
double 8 bytes (14 decimal places) floating point / real number
True/False (not equal to 1 or 0)



Strange stuff: if x is NotaNumber and y = x; y==x is still false. One NaN is never equal to another NaN!

Type in and run this program:

Entering other base numbers:


int i = 5;
int j = 2;
double result;

result = i / j; //integer division; result=2
result = (double) i / (double) j //real division; result=2.5

Java will implicity cast operants in a mixed expression to match the precision of the variable storing the result.
