Java Notes
Example - Generic Calc

This program converts miles into kilometers. It provides a basic plan for making a program that, when a button is pressed, takes input from a field, computes a new value based on that, and puts the result in another field. Extending this program is the basis for many other examples. To customize it:
- Change the documentation.
- Change the names of the components (window, fields, button, etc). Remember to save the file in a name that matches the new class name.
- Add additional labels, fields, or buttons that are needed.
- The button listener may have to be changed to convert the input to the correct type to match the parameter(s) of the method that does the calculations.
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// File : GUI/components/calculator/ // Purpose: Demo input field, button, output field. // Author : Fred Swartz, 2006-12-25, Placed in public domain. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class GenericCalc class GenericCalc extends JFrame { //======================================================== constants private static final double KILOMETERS_PER_MILE = 1.609344; //=============================================== instance variables private JTextField m_milesTf = new JTextField(10); private JTextField m_kilometersTf = new JTextField(10); private JButton m_convertBtn = new JButton("Convert"); //====================================================== method main public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame window = new GenericCalc(); } //====================================================== constructor public GenericCalc() { //... Add a listener to the button m_convertBtn.addActionListener(new ConvertListener()); //... Create content panel, set layout, add components JPanel content = new JPanel(); content.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // Use FlowLayout content.add(new JLabel("Miles")); // Create and add label content.add(m_milesTf); // Add input field content.add(m_convertBtn); // Add button content.add(new JLabel("Kilometers")); // Create and add label content.add(m_kilometersTf); // Add output field //... Set window characteristics setContentPane(content); pack(); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setTitle("Miles to Kilometers"); setResizable(false); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setVisible(true); } ///////////////////////////////////////// inner class ConvertListener class ConvertListener implements ActionListener { //=============================================== actionPerformed public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String miles = m_milesTf.getText(); // Get input double mi = Double.parseDouble(miles); // Str to double double km = convertMilesToKilometers(mi); // Miles to kms m_kilometersTf.setText("" + km); // Set output } } //========================================= convertMilesToKilometers // Performing the pure logic of the program (often called the model) // is typically done in a separate class. // Here we only put it into a separate method. // You might think this is too trivial to put into a method. // Perhaps in this case, but it is a very good habit to // acquire because in "real" programs there will be // a big payoff in clarity. public double convertMilesToKilometers(double miles) { return miles * KILOMETERS_PER_MILE; } } |