Unit 1 is about basic Java syntax, data types, print and scanner.
By the end of Unit 1, Intro to Java, you should know
- the meanings of bytecode, compile, JDK, JRE, IDE
- how to write a simple java program
(what a .class file and a .java file are for)
- the difference between print and println
- how to use printf:
(i) to print a certain number of decimal places,
(ii) to print a string with lots of variables
- how use escape characters: \n \t \' \" \\
- how to indent code properly
- how to write single line and multiline comments
- meaning of = sign
- how to use String, int, and double variables
- how to use Math.sqrt(), Math.sin() ...
- the difference between int math and double math
- divide by zero
- overflow (a number bigger than is allowed)
- rounding errors for floating point math
- how to use the 5 basic arithmetic operators (+ - * / %)
- how to use the short cut operators += -= *= /= (we'll never use %=)
- the meaning of ++ and -- (e.g. lives--;)
- what operator precedence means and why it is important
- how to make a Scanner object and use the scanner to read in integers, doubles, a word, a sentence.