There are 4 ways of writing if statements
Description | Syntax | Example |
if code block This is the normal way of writing it If the condition is true, then do all of the statements in the code block. |
if (condition) {
} |
if (ball.y < 0) {
xspeed +=5;
yspeed = -yspeed;
} |
one line | if (condition) statement; |
if (x > 5) gameOver = true; |
if-else | if (condition) {
} else {
} |
if (ball.y < 0) {
xspeed +=5;
yspeed = -yspeed;
} else {
} |
if-elseif-else | if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {
} |
if (answer.equals("Yes") {
food +=5;
} else if (answer.equals("No")) {
//do nothing;
} else {
//invalid answer
} |
This common error will change how your program is working and you may not notice why. It can happen to if, for, and while.
This is what we want to have happen:
you press the red button ,
then a message is sent out, the computer sleeps for 60 seconds, then selfdestructs.
if (redButtonPressed) {
System.out.println("Self destruct activated. T-60 seconds.");
Timer.sleep(60); //this actually won't work
This is the screwed up version. Can you find the error?
if (redButtonPressed); { System.out.println("Self destruct activated. T-60 seconds."); Timer.sleep(60); selfDestruct(); }
Note the ; after the () in the IF.
This makes the code equivalent to this:
if (redButtonPressed); { System.out.println("Self destruct activated. T-60 seconds."); Timer.sleep(60); selfDestruct(); }
which is the same as this
if (redButtonPressed); // do nothing
System.out.println("Self destruct activated. T-60 seconds.");
What this does is (i) nothing happens if the redbutton is pressed.
(ii) No matter what happens, the selfDestruct code will ALWAYS be executed -- EVEN if you did not press the button.
An AND condition can be written as two nested IF statements (demonstrate)
An OR condition can be written as two successive IF statements (demonstrate)
When thinking about an ELSE statement, you need to consider how many possible options there are to your condition and if they are mutually exclusive or not.
example: if your mark is > 50, print pass, if > 75 print good, if > 85 print excellent.
Else-IF version | Nested If |
if (n > 0) {
} elseif (n < 0) {
} else {
} |
if (n > 0) {
} else {
if (n < 0) {
} else {
} |
These two are identical |
But an elseif can only be written as three separate if statements if the statements are mutually exclusive. IF they are not mutually exclusive, then the order of the conditions is important.
This is an alternative to IF-ELSEIF-ELSE or a series of independant IF statements
Much easier to read,
Fewer logic errors since you can only use one variable (this is the key!)
You can only use one variable, so it can't be used for everything
The test conditions are a lot more limited. (I think you can only test if the variable is equal to a literal)
Switch statments can only be used on primitive data types or Strings (Java 7 onwards)
Example: You're playing an adventure game and get input. You split the input up into words and the first word is a verb, the second word is a noun - eg. take lamp, shoot gun, etc.
Example | Notes |
switch (word1) { case "inventory": displayInventory(); break; case "take": case "pickup": getObject(word2); break; case "fire": case "shoot": fireObject(word2); break; case "n": case "s": case "e": case "w": move(word1); break; default: message("invalid command"); } |
You can only use one variable. In this case: word1 |
This replaces this IF structure:
if (word1 == "inventory") displayInventory(); if (word1 == "take") getObject(word2); if (word1 == "pickup") getObject(word2); ... etc ... | |
You can handle OR statements with SWITCH:if (word1 == "take" || word1 == "pickup") getObject(word2);becomes case "take": case "pickup": getObject(word2); break; | |
There is no way to handle AND statements. | |
As seen above, more than one match can go to a certain result; If you don't use break; it will just continue down through the list | |
The default: case is for when nothing else matches. Very handy! | |
Make sure you know:
switch ( variable ) {
case "string" :