Main Concepts:

Changes from AWT to Swing:

Most of the main events in Swing are just the AWT events. YAY!

There are four ways of writing EventListeners! I'll provide examples of each:

  1. main class implements EventListener
    * In this situation, you can only have ONE actionPerformed() method.
  2. private inner class implements EventListener
    * This seems to be the most common method - since you can create multiple independent EventListeners.
  3. private inner class extends event Adapter (there is no adapter for ActionEvents)
    * since you can only extend one class, this is an inner class rather than a main class [**no example for this one below**]
  4. anonymous inner class
    * This is harder to read and is normally only done for very simple things like Window closing

Inner classes: kind of cool and handy. Don't overuse them. In fact, unless you have a good and specific purpose for using an inner class, avoid them. The two places where they seem to be standard is in event listeners and in painting programs.

Adding an Action Listener

The following pages show three ways to add an ActionListener (with comments). I'm using an ActionListener as an example of handling an event, but you can do the same with any of the other events and listeners. There is a fourth way where you extend an adapter class, but Action Events don't have adapter classes. If I have time I'll add it later.

Method 1: main class implements the EventListener

① create the GUI object that generates the action (e.g. a JButton). Make it an instance data field.
② add "implements ActionListener" to the class definition
③ write the code that handles the event in actionPerformed()
④ register the listener with the source.

public class Fire extends JFrame implements ActionListener	②
    private JButton btnFire;					①
    public initGraphics (){

        btnFire = new JButton ("* Fire *");			①
        btnFire.addActionListener(this);			④
        this.add (btnFire, BorderLayout.NORTH);

    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)			③
        if (e.getSource () == btnFire)			//put all action code here
            btnFire.setLabel ("Bang");

Method 2: using an Inner Class

① create the GUI object that generates the action (e.g. a JButton). Make it an instance data field (so that the inner class can access it).
② create an instance of the inner class
③ add fl as an action listener for the button.
if you have only one button you can write btnFire.addActionListener(new FireListener());
④ create the inner class. It implements ActionListener. It has the actionPerformed() method inside it.

public class Fire extends JFrame		//Does not Implement ActionListener
    private JButton btnFire;					①
    public initGraphics (){

        FireListener fl = new FireListener();			②

        btnFire = new JButton ("* Fire *");			①
        btnFire.addActionListener(fl);				③
        this.add (btnFire, BorderLayout.NORTH);

   private class FireListener implements ActionListener		④
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)		④
          if (e.getSource () == btnFire)		//put all action code here
              btnFire.setLabel ("Bang");

Method 3: extending an adapter (normally in an inner class)

Method 4: using an Anonymous Inner Class

① create the GUI object that generates the action (e.g. a JButton). Make it an instance data field ← still required.
② register an action listener with the button, but ?
③ inside this, instead of naming the actionListener, create one right here
④ an anonymous inner class is created
⑤ Close off the inner class code block, then end the btnFire.addActionListener statement

public class Fire extends JFrame		
    private JButton btnFire;					①
    public initGraphics (){

        btnFire = new JButton ("* Fire *");			①
        this.add (btnFire, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        btnFire.addActionListener(new ActionListener()		② ③
        {							④
           public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)			
              btnFire.setLabel ("Bang");	//put all action code here
        );							⑤

Note: This ActionListener is connected ONLY to the Fire Button. If you create another button and add an action listener to it (any method), it still won't interfere with this one. It is, in fact, impossible to add this action listener to any other event source since it (the action listener) doesn't have a name.

The get/setActionCommand()

Often e.GetActionCommand() is used instead of e.getSource(),
e.GetActionCommand() will just return the text that is on the button.
However, you can use setActionCommand() to change this to some other string that may be more useful.

// ... more code here ...

JButton button = new JButton("Java Code Geeks - Java Examples");
// define a custom short action command for the button

// ... more code here ...

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
   String action = e.getActionCommand();
   if (action.equals("Geeks")) {
      System.out.println("Button pressed!");

FYI: the getActionCommand() is a method in the ActionEvent class, but the setActionCommand() method is in the javax.swing.AbstractButton class (parent class of JButton). This class also has a version of getActionCommand() so that you can check the action command on a JButton without having to wait for an event to happen to do this.