Recent Earthquakes Around the World

Magnitude 5.0 and greater.
Listing of Earthquakes
(Some months are missing as I did not have internet access then)

Most recent 20 earthquakes
Sept 2003 - today Updated nightly. Click on one of the other lists to see the header information
Great News! I just checked and the finger server is working again! Sept 27/2003
The USGS finger server, where I got this information from, went off-line in April of 2001 and no longer seems to exist. 
Thus, my data ends April 2001.
2001 (Jan - April) 22 kbytes
2000 (Jan - Dec) 77 kbytes
1999 (Jan - Dec) 51 kbytes
1998 (Jan - Dec) 36 kbytes
1997 (Jan - Dec) 39 kbytes
1996 (Jan - Dec) 48 kbytes
1995 (Jan - Dec) 46 kbytes
1994 (Dec) 2 kbytes
1993 (Jan - Nov) 23 kbytes
1992 (Aug - Dec) 10 kbytes

This data was collected using the command finger

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